Dr Connor Taylor
Connor graduated from the University of Leeds with a First in his integrated Master’s (MChem) degree in 2017. As part of his final year, he completed a research project under the supervision of Dr. Visuvanathar Sridharan, on the synthesis and decoration of complex N-heterocyclic molecules with bioactivity potential, using transition metal (Pd/Rh/Ru/Cu) catalysed processes. Connor then stayed at the University of Leeds to undertake a Ph.D., in which he is in his third year, supervised by Dr. Richard Bourne and Dr. Thomas Chamberlain in collaboration with AstraZeneca and the University of Newcastle. His research is mainly focused on the development of an automated flow chemistry platform to computationally and experimentally identify the kinetic parameters of given processes.
TAYLOR, C. J.; BOOTH, M.; MANSON, J. A.; WILLIS, M. J.; CLEMENS, G.; TAYLOR, B. A.; CHAMBERLAIN, T.; BOURNE, R. A. Rapid, Automated Determination of Reaction Models and Kinetic Parameters. Chemical Engineering Journal, in press, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.127017.
BAYANA, M.; BLACKER, A. J.; CLAYTON, A. D.; JOLLEY, K. E.; LABES, R.; TAYLOR, C. J.; REYNOLDS, W. A practical experiment to teach students continuous flow and physico-chemical methods: Acetylation of ethylene diamine in liquid bi-phase. Journal of Flow Chemistry, in press, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s41981-020-00114-5.
GUAN, F.; KAPUR, N.; SIM, L.; TAYLOR, C. J.; WEN, J.; ZHANG, X.; BLACKER, A. J. A universal reactor platform for batch and flow: application to homogeneous and heterogeneous hydrogenation. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, v. 5, p. 1903-1908, 2020.
TAYLOR, C. J.; ALTER, A.; PASK, C. M.; SRIDHARAN, V. Imino Diels-Alder/transition metal catalyzed reactions to synthesise fused ring heterocycles. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, v. 913, p. 121197, 2020.
CLAYTON, A. D.; SCHWEIDTMANN, A. M.; CLEMENS, G.; MANSON, J. A.; TAYLOR, C. J.; NIÑO, C. G.; CHAMBERLAIN, T. W.; KAPUR, N.; BLACKER, A. J.; LAPKIN, A. A.; BOURNE, R. A. Automated self-optimisation of multi-step reaction and separation processes using machine learning. Chemical Engineering Journal, in press, 2019.
CLAYTON, A. D.; MANSON, J. A.; TAYLOR, C. J.; CHAMBERLAIN, T. W.; TAYLOR, B. A.; CLEMENS, G.; BOURNE, R. A. Algorithms for the self-optimisation of chemical reactions. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, v. 4, p. 1545-1554, 2019.