Dr Laura Elliott
Laura previously completed a Masters in Chemistry at Imperial College London (2010-2015), during this time she undertook an industrial placement year at Schlumberger Gould Research in Cambridge (2013-2014). Laura was awarded the rectors scholarship fund in 2010 for the duration of her chemistry degree. Laura spent her time in industry working on lost circulation and fluid mechanics problems, particle size analysis, and designing and 3D printing flow loop equipment. Laura spent her final year at Imperial working in the Edel (Bio) Sensing & Analytical group, where she published papers on the self-assembly and applications of ultraconcentrated nanoparticle solutions. Laura joined the CP3 CDT in 2015 at Leeds university as she wanted to gain an understanding about the formulations of active particulates within the pharmaceutical and FMCG’s industries. She wanted to be in a multidisciplinary environment which offered problem based learning to bridge the gap between chemistry and engineering. Laura completed her PhD on the characterisation of complex agglomerated inorganic particles using novel on-line sensors in 2019.
ELLIOTT, L.; BEHRA, J. S.; HONDOW, N.; BOURNE, R. A.; HASSANPOUR, A.; EDWARDS, J. L.; SUTCLIFFE, S.; HUNTER, T. N. Characterisation of polyphosphate coated aluminium-doped titania nanoparticles during milling. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, v. 548, p. 110-122, 2019.
ELLIOTT, L.; BOURNE, R. A.; HASSANPOUR, A.; EDWARDS, J. L.; SUTCLIFFE, S.; HUNTER, T. N. Salt enhanced solvent relaxation and particle surface area determination via rapid spin-lattice NMR. Powder Technology, v. 333, p. 458-467, 2018.
TUREK, V. A.; FRANCESCATO, Y.; CADINU, P.; CRICK, C. R.; ELLIOTT, L.; CHEN, Y.; URLAND, V.; IVANOV, A. P.; HONG, M.; VILAR, R.; MAIER, S.; GIANNINI, V.; EDEL, J. B. Self-Assembled Spherical Supercluster Metamaterials from Nanoscale Building Blocks. ACS Photonics, v. 3, p. 35-42, 2016.
TUREK, V. A.; ELLIOTT, L.; TYLER, A. I. I.; DEMETRIADOU, A.; PAGET, J.; CECCHINI, M. P.; KUCERNAK, A. R.; KORNYSHEV, A. A.; EDEL, J. B. Self-Assembly and Applications of Ultra-Concentrated Nanoparticle Solutions. ACS Nano, v. 7, p. 8753-8759, 2013.